Donald Trump has berserk “enemy of the people” meltdown

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“Enemy of the people.” These vulgar words — enemy of the people — are powerful words that should never be said lightly. They need to be used with care. For example, terrorists are, in fact, the enemy of the people of the United States of America.

This is because terrorists have nothing on their minds except the moral and physical decay of the Americans they hate and their whole lives are about unleashing their murderous fantasies on America.

But it seems someone did not get the memo. Because SOMEONE (Could it be Assolini) had a late night melt-down Friday about these very words. Donald Trump, however, has very fixed ideas on the subject of who in fact is an enemy of America. The answer for him is anyone who has a different opinion than him.

On Friday night, in a late-night meltdown on Untruth-Social,, he deemed MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow an enemy of the people. Saying she should not be allowed to broadcast, Trump, with the fury of a thousand madmen, posted on his weapon of hate, and arrogantly predicted the soon to be the demise of MSNBC and CNN.

Now — I am no fan of the media as you know. But this is taking things way too far as I’m sure you know. Trump has a habit of doing this whenever anyone challenges him or questions his mind-games, which harkens back to the dictators and monarchs of yesteryear.

It’s also very telling that this man — this ASSHOLE who rightfully should be doing hard time right now, should be rotting away in a cell somewhere, has not seemed to enjoy himself for a second since he became president.

He has shown himself to be the most miserable bastard in the world. Nothing pleases him, and he is perpetually angry and needy. His face seems to have settled into a permanent scowl. Enemy of the people. These are strange and brutal words. There is an enemy hiding in plain sight but it is not Maddow. The enemy of the people is Donald John Trump.

This is the fight of our lives. Donald Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively trying to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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