Donald Trump, habitual criminal

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Wayward Pines was a television mystery and ALSO a book — a very good one. It was described as “suspenseful and mind bending.” This article is not about Wayward Pines except for this brief introduction. What it IS about is wayward crimes.

The criminal mindโ€”there’s nothing like it. The typical criminal is someone who thinks the rule of law does not apply to them. Unfortunately for us, one of these wayward criminals was elected president by many an incompetent voter.

There is something we need to discuss regarding this wayward criminal who has committed many crimes. What is it? Well, to explain that, I will share the stats with you. Habitual offenders. “82 percent of individuals released from state prisons were rearrested at least once during the 10 years following release.” “Theft and larceny are the most common type of property crime.”

This group — the ones who engage in theft and. or larceny re-offends at the highest rate. Studies have shown that 60 percent of inmates have a diagnosis of antisocial personality. Some also are diagnosed as narcissists.

Some studies have shown that criminals with narcissistic personality disorder are more likely to re-offend than criminals without it. Now, Donald Trump never did go to jail, but he was found guilty of many felonies. He would likely have gone to prison had it not been for his reelection.

These numbers tell us that Donald Trump is likely — very much so — to be a HABITUAL OFFENDER. What does that mean for us? It means Trump may break the law again — and he may do it while in office.

If Trump truly is a narcissist, as many Palmer Report writers believe that he is, and IF he thinks he can get away with it, which Trump always seems to believe, then yes, I think if Trump sees a law he doesn’t like or wants to do something illegal — he’ll do it. It will come as naturally to him as it does to many criminals.

But this is his last term. So we’ll see what happens. But rememberโ€”after this term, his time as a politician will be over. He won’t have immunity, not even close. He’ll simply be what he was made to be — a habitual criminal.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.