Donald Trump freaks out when he realizes he may have to debate Kamala Harris after all

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Even as others were busy yelling a week ago that “Donald Trump will never debate Kamala Harris no matter what,” Palmer Report explained that things don’t really work that way. We pointed out that if Trump began to fall behind in the polls, he would have no choice but to seriously consider rolling the dice by debating her.

Sure enough, Trump is starting to fall slightly behind in the polls, and he’s already backsliding toward doing a debate. Of course he’s trying to force the debate to be on Fox News, which isn’t going to happen. But that’s merely a giveaway that he expects he’ll end up having to debate her on neutral ground.

Now Trump is openly talking as if a debate is an inevitability. He posted this on social media today: “What happens when she loses the Debate, and goes down. Will they replace her with yet another candidate??? Unprecedented disaster for the USA.”

In other words Trump is admitting that there probably will end up being a debate. That’s not surprising. When your opponent has all the momentum and you’re falling behind, you really don’t have much of a choice. Would Trump lose such a debate? Almost certainly. But he also knows that if he refuses to debate her, he’ll be on track to lose the election anyway.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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