Donald Trump finally resurfaces in public and unwittingly reminds everyone why he’s been in hiding
Gossip is blazing a trail from the McDonald’s hamburger-strewn house of thieves (Mar-a-Lago) across the country. This gossip concerns President Elon Musk and VP-Elect Donald Trump. Over the weekend Trump, VP elect and convicted felon, gave a speech to his MAGA Base.
Of course, it quickly became all about President Musk. Trump apparently does not like all this talk about how his smelly person has been relegated to the sidelines, and he was quick to deny the whispering of his own exile.
“No, he’s not taking the Presidency,” Trump thundered (Just kidding–Trump doesn’t have it in him to thunder.) “No, he’s not taking the presidency,” Trump murmured feebly.
“You know they’re on a new kick,” VP Elect Trump exclaimed. “The new one is President Trump has ceded the presidency to Elon Musk. No, no, that’s not happening.” This writer asks: are you SURE of that, Mr. VP?
“No, he’s not going to be president, that I can tell you,” El Creepo continued, “I’m safe.” Really? Well, yeah Julius Caesar thought that about his pal Brutus, and we see how that worked out, don’t we?
“You know why? He can’t be (president.)”
“He wasn’t born in this country.”
HA, HA, HA!!!!”
Oh dear. Do you SEE this? Someone(could it be Traitor?) is losing it and losing it bigly.
Will Trump, (who is starting to resemble Jack Nicholson’s character in “The Shining,”), start calling out “Red Rum” next?
Seriously — you are in denial. De-Nile is a river full of crap. The fact is Musk has done a “What about Bob”, attaching himself to Trump and to the American people, whether they want the little gnome there or not.
All the denials in the world can’t hide what is going on, much as Donald Trump would like them to.
As for Musk? What;s he up to these days?
Word has it that while Trump was dining with Jeff Bezos, , Elon barged in like an unwelcome overflowing toilet and wouldn’t leave. Bezos likely deserves that one.
Oh yeah-Musk also wants Tom Hanks investigated. Musk is showing the world he may — he JUST MAY — be even crazier than Donald Trump.
Do you know how much crazy THAT achievement entails? Yet somehow, Musk is running up the score on insanity.
Trump is getting eclipsed by a “what about Bob” wanna-be power broker who has billions of dollars and apparently few fu##s to give. I wonder if a giggling, insane Musk is starting to appear in Trump’s dreams at night.
“Sorrryyy Donniiie,yoooou are oooooverrrrrr!”
Flash! Trump wakes up in a cold sweat, shivering wildly, perhaps seeing grinning Elon images all over his bedroom.
I’m having a bit of fun with this article, my dear readers. It is just one more story in the ever-flowing shit-show in the unending, biggest river of allโthe lying river.