Donald Trump caves on Mexico tariffs already

I said that it would be difficult to predict how Donald Trump’s disastrous trade war would play out, because Trump is obviously too mentally incompetent to understand the stupidity of what he’s doing. But I did point out to one plausible outcome in which the other nations might offer Trump some superficial or imaginary concession in order to allow him to save face. Sure enough, that just happened with Mexico.
Trump is now declaring victory in his trade war with Mexico, because Mexico agreed to send additional troops to the border. But this isn’t anything. As numerous people have pointed out, Trump and Mexico had the same agreement back in 2019. What this really represents is Trump caving and Mexico allowing him to save a little face.
Trump’s idiot base will of course go along with his insistence that he won the trade war against Mexico. But people in the middle are more likely to see this whole stunt as overly risky, unnecessary, and annoying. Keep an eye on Trump’s approval rating as the week goes on. It’s likely to fall even lower.