Donald Trump calls his handlers “stupid” and then starts debating with himself about which of two fake words are real

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When a patient with severe dementia can’t understand what his caretakers are trying to explain to him, it’s commonplace for that patient to lash out at his caretakers under the presumption that the caretakers are simply dummies.

Donald Trump appears to have reached that stage. During a failed attempt at a speech today, Trump declared that his handlers were “stupid” for trying to convince him not to fight back against a story in the media. Trump then immediately declared that he should have offered a “refuttal” of the story. He then changed it to “refutal” before asking “what the hell word would that be?” He then chastised the media in advance for calling him out on his confusion, while claiming that the media doesn’t know the correct word either.

For the record, Donald, the word you’re looking for is “refutation” or perhaps “rebuttal.” It’s one thing to not be able to come up with a word. It’s another to have a meltdown about it. This guy is just getting more and more sad. He’s reached a point in his dementia symptoms where he’s publicly lashing out at his own caretakers, even while unwittingly demonstrating why he needs caretakers. It’ll only get worse for him.

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