Did Elon Musk just get the boot?

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Well, well, well. Looks like there is trouble in paradise. The two psychos, joined at the hop in recent weeks are reportedly on the outs — for now at least. Elon Musk has reportedly been kicked out of the White House and denied a permanent office there.

According to gleeful reports, Musk most definitely wore out his welcome. That might also be because he’s been strutting around in all his arrogant, muskrat glory, pretending he is the president.

But now he has reportedly been exiled. Frozen out like some icicle that’s finally begun to break apart, pieces melting on the cold ground as the White House on whom the icicle clung so fiercely, quickly forgets it ever existed. Reportedly, the ice maiden herself — Susie Wells– was responsible for this, although she denies it.

But Elon was wearing out his welcome and has allegedly been refused that grand West Wing office he was probably angling for. We knew it had to happen. After all — TWO of these spoiled brats in the same historical building? That would be bedlam, most certainly. But still, so soon?

So soon? Yes, so, soon, the tiny violin behind Elon whispers sadly.”His influence just got a reality check.” Poor, poor little Elon! What is a muskrat to do now?

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