Democratic Governor cracks down on January 6th attackers pardoned by Trump

When Donald Trump pardoned the J-6th terrorists, most of them were their usually surly selves. Very few of them expressed guilt or remorse; nearly all seemed confident that their lives would go as always.
Well, Illinois Governor JD Pritzker has something to say about that! Pritzker has taken steps to block any J-6 terrorist from working in any state job in Illinois. Good for him! The Governor told the hiring authorities to ignore and restrict any individual who took part in the attack on the Capitol that awful day.
He said they are disqualified based on “infamous and disgraceful conduct that is antithetical to the mission of the state.” Thank you, Governor! What a lovely and meaningful act THIS was. After all — these J-6ers gave a Judas Kiss to America as they hunted human beings, erected gallows, and laid down human waste in the Capitol Halls. They do not deserve ANY state job, and it seems the Governor indeed know it.
“These rioters attacked law enforcement officers,” Pritzker said in a written statement. “Undermined bedrock principles of American democracy.” Indeed, they did. And it’s nice to see the Governor taking steps to punish them. This is why elections other than the Presidency, Senate, and Congress are so crucial. We need as many BLUE governors as humanly possible. And we have ourselves a fine one in Illinois.
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