Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

“Drain the swamp?” That’s the term the Trump team often casually tosses out. They want to “drain the swamp,” but they are failing in that regard. As the days fly by, the felon’s nominees are looking bleak. These people –many of them cretins — are NOT draining the swamp. They’re the dirt that EXPANDS the swamp.

Before I get into the details of some of the more disturbing nominees, I want to say a quick word about Kimberly Guilfoyle. The orange menace has appointed the former Fox News anchor as Ambassador to Greece. What an atrocity!

Greece , the country of ancient Greek mythology. Greece, a blindingly beautiful and fascinating country, a historian’s dream, Greece-a metaphor in and of itself, one great big, exquisite metaphor of thunderbolts, golden chariots, Grecian fountains pouring forth colorful stories. Kimberly — a queen of the ear-splitting voice that many an eardrum has unfortunately been subjected to. Greece deserves better.

Now let’s look at some of the winners Trump has nominated, some of the big names, the biggest fools.

Pete Hegseth — Hegseth is once again in hot water after saying that gay troops serving in the military represent a “Marxist agenda”, proving what everyone sane already knows – this guy is a walking disaster, he probably won’t be confirmed (although with THESE Republicans you never know) and is an absolute asshole.

Trump’s Homeland Security pick, Dog-killer Kristie Noem, is being accused by people IN HER OWN STATE of having neglected them during the flooding that occurred in her state in June of 2024. Noem denies the accusations. Many say that Noem is ill equipped for this job. Many who say that are her constituents.

Then there’s the delightful (ahem) Kash Patel. With Wray quitting, Trump can’t appoint someone to the FBI director position. Patel will HAVE to be confirmed to have the job- and some say he lost that battle before it even began.

Many are expressing doubt about Patel, and some are saying he will never make it through confirmation — and might not make it through an FBI background check. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see this lunatic’s nomination go up in smoke.

Then there’s Tulsi. She is stuck in a rutโ€”the Russia and Assad rutโ€”and who knows whether she will get through.

In addition to all this drama. A new poll is out and spells terrible news for Donald Trump. The survey reveals that only 2 in 10 people surveyed in this AP poll approve of Trump’s picks, such as Hegseth and Tulsi. See? The man can’t do anything right, even pick a cabinet!

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.