Donald Trump’s latest FBI conspiracy theory promptly blows up in his face

Either Donald Trump is so thoroughly out of good ideas when it comes to fending off his Russia scandal that he’s resorting to relying on idiotic conspiracy theories, or he’s so far removed from reality that he thinks these absurd conspiracy theories are somehow real. Take your pick. Either way, Trump is down to his last few strikes, and he’s busy wasting them on laugh-out-loud claims that are promptly blowing up in his face. His latest such gambit blew up on him almost immediately.
Trump was almost surely watching Fox News this morning when he tweeted “NEW FBI TEXTS ARE BOMBSHELLS!” Uh, no. The newly revealed text message between two FBI agents simply said that “[President Obama] wants to know everything we’re doing.” Even the date on the Fox News screen said that the text was from September 2nd of 2016, which meant it clearly had nothing to do with the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails, which by that time had already been finished for months. Nonetheless, Trump promptly put down his few remaining chips on the notion that this text message somehow exonerated him in the Russia scandal, or something along those lines.
Palmer Report predicted at the time that this particular text message would blow up in Trump’s face once its full context was revealed. Sure enough, a few hours later, the Wall Street Journal reported that the text was referring to President Obama wanting to know everything about Russian meddling in the presidential election (link). So not only has Trump swung and missed by betting on this new text message, he’s also unwittingly brought additional attention to his own Russia scandal by reminding everyone that Russia rigged the election in his favor.
Meanwhile, Donald Trump continues to unravel. Earlier today, after the stock market suffered a couple of very bad days, Trump went so far as to try to start a public feud with the stock market on Twitter. The market ended up closing two hundred points lower than where it had been when Trump began rage-tweeting about it, as investors continue to place their bets against him surviving this.
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