Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown in front of the television cameras

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One day after Donald Trump declared that four non-white Democratic Congresswomen can “go back” to where they came from, the fallout from his racist tirade is continuing to expand. The thing is, instead of trying to move on from it, Trump is now doubling and tripling down on the controversy โ€“ to the point that it’s becoming clear this is a tantrum, and not some twisted yet calculated strategy.

Today, Donald Trump claimed on Twitter that the Democratic Congresswomen in question are supporters of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, which is arguably his most ludicrous lie to date. Trump then told them that “IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY HERE, YOU CAN LEAVE!” But Trump apparently felt that making a fool of himself online wasn’t enough, so he appeared before a bunch of television cameras for a bizarre press conference. To say that it didn’t go well for him is an understatement.

Trump asserted during his press conference that if the Democratic Congresswomen “aren’t happy here, they can leave.” That’s surreal, considering that Trump constantly rants and raves about how horrible he thinks America is; perhaps he should take his own advice and leave. When a female reporter tried to point out to Trump that these four Congresswomen are American citizens, he snapped.

While the reporter was trying to speak, Donald Trump began trying to shout her down: “Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!” Finally he gave in and answered the question, but the best he could come up with was this: “These are people that if they don’t like it here, they can leave, and I don’t know who’s going to miss them.” As far as we’re concerned, Trump can leave, and we know for a fact that most people wouldn’t miss him.

This is the fight of our lives. Trump and his unelected henchmen are actively to destroy our government, our democracy, and our way of life. We only have one choice, and that's to fight back as loudly and aggressively as possible.
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