Bill Barr is at it again

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Chameleons are chameleons precisely BECAUSE of their ability to vanish into various disguises, quickly moving from one to the next. That brings me to the changing faces of Bill Barr. Barr has been in the news lately daily it would seem.

Turn on any network at any given moment, and there he is, looking appropriately solemn, speaking his (truth?) to whatever pundit is willing to lap it up. Don’t trust him. Or rather: Trust him at your own peril.

Bill Barr is a wily man whose true nature is hidden behind whatever face he chooses to show the world on any given day. As seasons change, so do the words of Barr. He is like the ebb and flow of the ocean. His words drain from the shore, and then various other word currents rise up. They’re all vacuous in nature. They’re as empty as his smile, which constantly lurks, waiting for a television booking.

Some pundits are starting to quote Barr. I suppose this is because he came down a bit hard (for Barr) on Donald Trump for having classified documents stored at his home. But did he REALLY?

Listen closely to his words if you’re unfortunate enough to see him on screen. He does say the DOJ should not indict. Barr hasn’t changed. He’s still as manipulative as ever. He just wants to put himself out there. He’s looking for popularity — not for truth.

So please ignore Barr’s changing faces. As the sea waves crash and recede, so does each incarnation of Bill Barr. Today he’s saying one thing. Tomorrow it will be something else. He is like a grain of sand, character slipping seamlessly away. He can’t be trusted, and we must avoid him and his false concern.

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