Bad news for Republican Senator Mike Lee

One of the pleasures of political horse races is that sometimes a race pops up that is surprisingly close. Such is the case in Utah. Senator Mike Lee is running for reelection. And Democrats are supporting Independent candidate Evan McMullin.
The reason for that is support is how conservative Utah is. Democrats do not stand a great chance of winning there and they know it. So they have coalesced behind McMullin. And in a new poll, the numbers show this horse race is off the rails — for Lee.
It is surprisingly close. In the poll, the numbers show Lee is winning but by only a few points. Lee is ahead at 41%. But McMullen is at 37%. And a whopping nineteen percent have not made up their minds. Lee’s internal alarm must be screaming right now because this race was not supposed to be that close.
Dan Jones & Associates conducted the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.46 percentage points. Utah is an interesting state. They do not like dirty politics, and they abhor dishonesty. McMullen is also well-known there and well-liked. It is possible that Mike Lee could lose reelection. I would not bet on it, but it is not out of the picture either, especially considering all the scandals he has been involved in.
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