Bad news for Gym Jordan

Gym Jordan is the kind of guy who wears lies and deception with pride. Hated by all creatures great and sane, Jordan is commonly known as the one with the screams that he launches in daily tirades at just about anything, anytime, anywhere.
It’s no secret that many of us are eagerly anticipating the release of George Clooney’s film, which delves into Gym’s role in the Ohio State sexual abuse scandal. It’s been rumored to be coming out shortly for a very long time now, but many are skeptical that it’ll ever come out at all. It will.
But nobody really should be skeptical. As it turns out, there is a good reason this film has been delayed. The continued delays are caused by “film-makers continuously uncovering new details about the scandal.”
“Orner, (the film’s director) has been meticulous in her approach and promises to ensure that the final product reflects the most accurate and comprehensive account possible.”
Well now! That makes sense, and I would rather have an accurate telling and wait longer than have a rushed product that omits specific details.
If the filmmakers uncover so much new stuff, then that means there is much we, the American people don’t know. It seems the film-makers plan to tell us through their work. That is undoubtedly worth waiting for. In the meantime, it is a relief to know the film is still slated for release. Slated for release as filmmakers constantly discover NEW DETAILS. That is not good news for Gym Jordan.