Bad news for Fox News

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Never let it be said that Fox Non-News doesn’t care. After all, Fox has a soul just like you and me! It’s just that the soul of the muck-raking network values different things than most of us. Fox definitely cares.

They care about lies. They care about destroying President Biden’s agenda, making sure their classless pundits spew vile hate every night. They care about — money. Ah yes, money. The root of all evil is money. But Fox apparently sees things a bit differently.

Money is at the heart of all they do. I’d not be surprised if the non-soul of the network were a jolly green dollar bill. But it seems something is wrong. Something is very wrong. The network’s soul is in chaos. Because lately, the dollar bill doesn’t appear to like them very much.

Per The Wrap, it is with great pleasure I can tell you it is being reported that Fox shareholders (to quote The Wrap) “lost 85 million last quarter.” All that green — gone. baby. gone. Apparently, Wall Street had high expectations of the network and expected them to report good news in earnings.

Instead, the report that came in said there was “a net loss of 15 cents per share on $4.44 billion in revenue.” The reactions on Twitter to this news were celebratory indeed. Here are some of the best comments:

“Are we sure the money wasn’t embezzled?”


“It looks like Fox needs more lies.”

“Fox lost $85 million — what a GREAT day!”

“Keep up the trend!”

“Maybe if they actually reported the news, this wouldn’t have happened.”

So you see, my friends, in the case of Fox — at least for this quarter — the moral of the story is that greed is most definitely NOT good.

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