Roger Stone attacks judge again before hearing

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This won’t go well for Roger Stone. Earlier today we brought you the story of how a tepid Stone was posting a public prayer and putting his house up for rent ahead of a hearing to determine whether his bail will be revoked and he’ll be sent straight to jail. But it turns out behind the scenes, Stone has been taking a much different approach.

Hours after Roger Stone posted his now-infamous Instagram post of Judge Amy Berman Jackson with crosshairs above her head, he panicked and filed a formal notice of apology with the court, prompting the judge to order him to attend a hearing today. But even as Stone was publicly trying to make nice with the judge, he sent out a fundraising email to his supporters, attacking the judge again.

In his email to his fans, Roger Stone accused Judge Jackson of being biased because she’s an “Obama-appointed Federal Judge” and accusing her of wanting to place a gag order on him so he “cannot raise the money necessary to mount a vigorous legal defense.” This is of course quite tame compared to Stone’s Instagram imagery. But the point is that, even as he was beginning to beg the judge for mercy, he was still attacking her in the name of raising money โ€“ and that makes his apology ring hollow.

Roger Stone is heading into the hearing now. Robert Mueller’s team can make a recommendation about whether Stone’s bail should be revoked and he should be sent straight to jail, but the decision is in the judge’s hands. Stone can’t seem to make up his mind whether to say his prayers and beg for forgiveness, or try to make one last cash grab before he gets locked up.

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