Are they trying to lose?

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Are the Republicans trying to lose this election? I ask that question because everything they’re being advised NOT to do — they’re doing. For example, reportedly, Republicans were told to lay off the racial attacks on Harris. The GOP response? Ignore this advice and double down ON these very attacks.

Another example is to distance yourself from JD Vance’s cat lady comments. The GOP response? Double down ON those comments. A good example is failed Arizona wants to be senator Blake Masters, who has come out insisting that all political leaders must be married with children. He is echoing Vance’s comments and ensuring that the GOP loses even more female voters.

What is wrong with them? WHY can’t they pivot and talk about the issues? I see this question asked a lot. I do. People appear mind-boggled by the GOP’s inability to pivot toward POLITICS and not WOMEN hate.

I believe I have the answer as to why the GOP is self-sabotaging so very much.

I believe it isn’t that they won’t pivot. It’s that they CAN’T pivot.

I once wrote an article where I speculated that for the GOP, this race would come down to the need to win vs. the GOP’s hate of women,

See, I do not believe most Republicans are just saying these things to say them. I think they BELIEVE THEM, which is why, in my opinion, they won’t pivot.

It’d be like asking an artist to stop talking about painting.

It’d be like asking a chef to stop talking about cooking.,

It’d be like asking Olympic gold medalists to stop talking about sports.

It’d be like asking authors to stop talking about books.

And yes, asking women haters to stop talking about their hatred of women is undoable.

That’s because, for the GOP, it’s all they have. They can’t stop themselves because they don’t want to stop.

They feel visceral contempt for women, and they cannot stop chattering about it, all the while knowing they’re alienating the very voters they need to support them. If that’s not addiction, if that’s not hate, I don’t know what is.

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