Another mess is brewing for Donald Trump

“Will you walk into my parlour? was said the spider to the fly.” “Tis the prettiest little parlour that ever did you spy.” So the FLIES — messy and brimming with rage, the rage that comes from smashed windows and beating the crap out of police officers settled into their new digs, knowing that the spider would soon pardon them. “Said the cunning spider to the fly:Dear friend what can I do, to prove the warm affection I’ve always felt for you?” I know, thought the spider. I’ll pardon you! I’ll pardon ALL of you!
And so it was that the spider, during his campaign, talked loudly about his devotion to the little flies that waited in cages waited with bated breath, for their lord and master, the only one who truly made them feel safe to come along and pardon them. “Sweet creature said the spider. You’re witty and you’re wise.”
He believed in them! So they waited. Oh, how they waited, speaking eagerly to whatever mic was thrust under their noses. Yes, he will pardon us, the flies said. He adores us. He says it all the time. “Alas, alas!, how very soon this silly little fly.” They waited for the slick murmurings of the spider. Only..only..only…… Silence. And that silence is making the flies very nervous indeed. Their buzzing is getting louder as the spider’s silence becomes more noticeable.
“Trump promised Jan. 6 pardons. His post-election silence is making loyalists nervous.”
“A word of reassurance from the top would go a long way.”
“The silence on the issue just exacerbates the victims’ anxiety.”
Anxiety? I imagine many felt anxiety — and terror — on January 6. Yes, I think they did.
You silly little flies! You fell for it! Do you really think that DONALD TRUMP would make YOU a priority? REALLY? REALLY?
“Raging debate among Jan. 6 defendants and their allies.”
Doubt about getting these precious pardons is setting in.
“Case by case basis.”
Oh no — that’s not good.
All of these criminals, locked in their little cages, let the familiar seeds of hope bloom within them for the one who GOT THEM INTO THIS MESS to get them out of it.
I do not think that he will.
Once again, they placed their faith in the wrong person. The flies buzzed around the spider but forgot it has many legs, making it easy enough to scuttle AWAY from its promises, away from the ones he doesn’t care about.
Will ANY of them receive their precious pardons? , Maybe. But maybe not.
And indeed, it is now slowly dawning on the little insects, hidden as they are, behind prison walls, that what comes around goes around and that MAYBE — just maybe — they are entirely and royally screwed.