Allen Weisselberg just blew it

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Yesterday the New York Times revealed that the Manhattan District Attorney’s office is looking at criminally indicting Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, and the Trump Organization itself, as soon as this upcoming week. Today CNN is reporting that Weisselberg still has no intention of flipping on Donald Trump. That’s cute.

Let’s check back in with Allen Weisselberg after he gets arrested this week. When the handcuffs hit him it’ll shatter his decades-long delusion that Donald Trump could magically stop this from ever happening. Then Weisselberg will see the criminal indictment against him, do the math, and realize that the sentencing guidelines may exceed his natural lifespan โ€“ meaning he might never get out of prison.

If that doesn’t instantly jolt Allen Weisselberg into realizing he has to flip on the Trump family, wait until prosecutors indict and arrest Weisselberg’s family; major news outlets have reported that prosecutors are criminally targeting two of his sons. And if that doesn’t get the job done, just wait until Donald Trump releases one of his customary statements throwing Weisselberg under the bus and claiming he barely knew him.

The thing about federal criminal probes into organized crime families like the Trump Organization is that when the Feds want someone to flip, they just keep squeezing that person more and more, until it becomes too painful not to consider flipping. And of course Weisselberg knows that Trump doesn’t have the muscle to just magically make him disappear, like a real crime family boss might. Nor does Trump have any control over the criminal justice system at this point, meaning he can’t sway things for or against Weisselberg.

It’s not a guarantee that Allen Weisselberg will end up cutting a deal against the Trump family. Maybe he’s scared enough, or stupid enough, to let himself and his kids rot in prison in the name of “loyalty.” But when Weisselberg sees the indictment against the Trump Organization, he’ll surely realize that Trump is going down one way or the other, and so Weisselberg won’t actually be helping Trump much by not flipping.

We’ll see where this goes. No one can predict for certain whether Allen Weisselberg will flip. But this is just going to keep getting uglier for him, to the point of the total destruction of his life and his family, if he doesn’t flip. So whatever position he thinks he’s bravely taking today is about to quickly become irrelevant to the ugly reality he’s days away from facing.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.