Kevin McCarthy burned by another leak

There appear to be more problems for the king of cowardice — AKA Kevin McCarthy. There has been another leak. Does this really surprise anyone? Another day, another tape. This is becoming standard operating procedure.
In the newly released audio, McCarthy can be heard saying the 25th Amendment “takes too long.” Wow — the king of cowardice was THAT impatient? He wanted Trump out THAT BADLY? The king of cowards also is heard sweetly saying how much he would like to reach out to President Biden to ensure a smooth transition.
Not quite election, denial! The call reportedly took place on January 8 of 2021. McCarthy can be heard worrying that impeachment might simply take way too long because it would “go back to the house, right?”
Oh, boy Kevin — how does it feel to hear yourself on tape? Your TRUE feelings out there for just about everybody to hear? I imagine it doesn’t feel too good to be the king of cowards right now. However, I will definitely not be saying “poor Kevin.” The man is a traitor. He is also a coward and a pathological liar, which we already knew.
I wonder if there will be more audio. I have the feeling there probably will be. Did you know in Greece the typical house is white – and blue? Greek homes are breathtaking with wildly vivid blue trim. Blue is the color of Democrats.
Blue is also the color of imagination, dreamers, and the sea –it’s a great color to associate with the only party in America that genuinely gives a damn. Leaked recordings. Leaked video. A leaked Supreme Court decision. The GOP is imploding with their own actions and words.
I want to see this country draped in dazzling blue. I want to see every human being who wants to vote cast a ballot. And I want to see a Democratic House and Senate. It appears every day that we move that much closer to achieving that goal.